September 15, 2021

Wrapbook Implements AICP Demographic Reporting

The Wrapbook Team
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Wrapbook is now optionally requesting that workers provide demographic information during their onboarding process. As per AICP’s request that all payroll companies should gather this info, we’ve now embedded this feature in the software. This will enable more transparent data regarding diversity in production workplaces, and allow production companies to generate an anonymous demographics report.

Wrapbook believes this is a fantastic first step toward being able to report more generally on diversity within the industry, and will continue to build upon this in the future to continue to encourage and incentivize more inclusive workplaces.

Why is the AICP doing this? 

Ad agencies, brands, and other marketers who hire production companies, often want to know the demographics of who is working with them on their commercials. So, the AICP developed a standardized system to make this happen. They rallied various payroll companies to pull together and enact a set of guidelines to provide this critical info to the production companies and their clients.

Why is Wrapbook doing this? 

As a production payroll company, we were beyond excited to be part of this initiative. The AICP is stepping up and providing a standardized set of guidelines to support greater diversity in the production workplace. This anonymous demographic data will provide a way for Wrapbook customers to get a sense of the worker diversity of their employees per project. 

Now, with the AICP guidelines, Wrapbook will provide a secure and standardized reporting mechanism to share with our clients and a demographic report that can be used by their agency partners. Ultimately, this will create more opportunities and incentivize further diversity and inclusivity in the production industry.

What will the cast & crew see?

When a cast or crew member goes through Wrapbook’s onboarding process, they’ll have the option to complete a demographic survey. 

Workers are presented with an onboarding step to provide their demographic information:

Wrapbook Implements AICP Demographic Reporting - Onboarding - Wrapbook
Along with other startwork forms, cast & crew will have the option to fill out demographic info.

This is completely optional, but it will collect gender, race, and ethnicity information. 

The survey includes an option for those who "Prefer not to disclose," allowing users to skip providing any demographic info:

Wrapbook Implements AICP Demographic Reporting - AICP Demographics Questionnaire - Wrapbook
Cast & crew will see a questionnaire, a chance to participate in providing greater insight into inclusive workplaces.

This survey is only asked during the initial onboarding of a worker to a new project, and is not asked again until their next onboarding for a new production.

As a producer, what will I see & how will data be protected?

On the production company side, company users will have the ability to generate an anonymized demographic report, per project, via the Reports tab. 

As per AICP requirements, the report will look like this:

Wrapbook Implements AICP Demographic Reporting - AICP Demographics Official Report - Wrapbook
Every report generated will look like this and this anonymous data will be given only to the production company.

Company users will not have access to specific worker demographic information - all data is aggregated and anonymized---it’s accessible only via the report.

This report will not be sent to the AICP. The AICP will not be aware of this data and serve only as a creator of this standardization in order to encourage more inclusive productions.

Additionally, Wrapbook will not issue this report to anyone other than their client, the production company. So if another entity, whether that is an agency or marketer of some kind, desires such a report, they will only be able to access this directly from the production company.

Is this only for AICP members? 

While an AICP membership is great, this report is available to all Wrapbook clients.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, ensuring diversity is an industry-wide effort. But one of our goals here at Wrapbook is to increase the prosperity of the project economy. How we stay true to this statement manifests in how we build our tools---ensuring we’re increasing the prosperity for everyone in all workplaces, all of the time. 

For more on AICP's equity and inclusion practices, visit their site.

If you have any questions about this new addition, reach out to Success at your convenience.

Last Updated 
September 15, 2021


At Wrapbook, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding free resources to producers and their crews, but this post is for informational purposes only as of the date above. The content on our website is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for legal, accounting, or tax advice.  You should consult with your own legal, accounting, or tax advisors to determine how this general information may apply to your specific circumstances.

About the author
The Wrapbook Team

The Wrapbook Team consists of individuals who are thrilled about building modern software tools for creators. We’re a team of compassionate and curious people dedicated to solving complex problems with sophisticated solutions. You can find us across the U.S. and Canada.

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